Tuesday, March 26, 2013

No more laundromat!

Last week at the laundromat, a front load washer decided to hold my work clothes hostage...for 2 hours! After a call to the owner, she and I moved and took apart neighboring washers to get my clothes out.

So, I have given in to buying a new washer.

BUT! It had to to be eco friendly, be small enough to fit in our little home, and be something that I could do in a decent amount of time.

I found just that! The wonder wash!
I'm in love with it! So fast, so easy, I think Husband can do it!

And the little blue guy in the photo, that's my new spin ringer....amazing!

My only hang up.....I need more clothes line!!!!


We are waiting for spring, here at 3NH...
this is not how I planned on spending our spring break!
But, ya work with what you got. So, I have purged another bag of clothing, kitchen items, and baby things from the house. Not bad for a weekend. Our journey in minimalism continues! I am happy to say we have successfully removed more than 17 totes from the shed since we moved in!!
Counting down the months til husband is able to return all his gear to the Army...

Monday, March 18, 2013

Made the 3 day hurdle...still strong!

Last Friday I quit smoking!

<embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" name="flashplayer" src="http://i251.photobucket.com/albums/gg294/wafpaf/countup/swf/girly1.swf?then_year=2013&then_month=2&then_day=15&eventt=I+chose+life..." quality="high" width="340" height="210" swliveconnect="true" allowscriptaccess="samedomain"></embed><br><a href="http://www.wishafriend.com/countup/" target="new">Countup Clocks</a>, <a href="http://www.wishafriend.com/countup/girly/" target="new">Girly Countups</a> at WishAFriend.com

Friday, March 15, 2013

Taking charge...

I am fed up, with myself. I have made excuses for the last time. In my minds eye I am a healthy Mom playing with my kid, and running on the beach with my husband. Hiking, biking, swimming, playing cards with friends....WITH OUT A CANCER STICK HANGING  FROM MY FACE.

I am so very tired of putting off my life, because I am tired. Or gross feeling. It all comes back to smoking. I have struggled for months, to quit. I start out strong, make it a few day, and crash. I have been afraid to quit. I have let it dictate my life for the last time. I don't care that my husband, parents, ALL of my closest friends smoke. I'm ok with spending less time with them because I am quitting. I hope I can inspire them to do the same. But, they have to find their own way.

I want to be proud of me! Here are the reasons I want to quit...

~ My son has asthma. While I have always taken great care not to smoke around him or in our home. I need to set an example for my boy. He has seen my struggle to quit. I have not blinded him from the addiction it is.

~ My momma had a heart attach in my car. While I was driving her to the hospital. She smokes. Still.

~ My daddy is currently in the hospital for aorta issues. He has smoked for as long as I can remember. I don't ever want my son to see me the way I have seen my dad the past few weeks.

~ The usual. I don't like that I smell like an ashtray. I don't like the time I have wasted running outside real quick. I don't like the amount of money I spend on them. I don't like the control I let smoking have in my life.

~ I am tired of being tired.

~ I miss singing. I want to sing like I use too.

I am letting go. Smoking no longer has a hold on me. I know it's an addiction, that I have to kick. It will not be easy. But I AM GOING TO DO IT THIS TIME. I CHOOSE MY LIFE.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Facebook, my thoughts

Facebook is a convientient way to keep track of everyone in your life. I admit that. It can be down right addicting. I love being able to see my cousin's and their offspring grown. And heaven forbid, it is a quick way to get the word out if something goes wrong in the family.

That said, I am growing to despise it. I honestly feel it has weakend our family bond. I remember a time when we would call each other after school even if we lived miles away at the time. I know,  we evolve and grow up. Our priorities change. Mine have. BUT, I feel the need to change this before it is too late. I only hope my attempt will be met half way.

When did it become to hard to send a personal text to our love ones? A phone call would be great, but I would settle for a text at this point....hell, snail mail? Do people still write letters?

Facebook has become a crutch. An excuse to lean on when someone asks "why didn't I know about (fill in the blank_)". Our replies are often "Didn't you see it on Facebook?".  My new reply  - "No I didn't because I am canceling my account".

I love my family. I miss their company. I miss our laughs and cries. I am going to attempt a new route with our communications. I respect the changes as we have grown up and apart. I can only hope we haven't become to distant to find our way back to our family ties. And that their desire to have me and my lil family in their lives is a bigger priority than a social networking site.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Granny's mirror

Granny's mirror has seen better days. It has been mended after the last 4 or 5 moves
we have made. I remember it hanging in her parlor when I was a kid.
And was very proud to hang it in my room as a teen.

So, when I moved this past time I grabbed it from the garage, hell bent on
re-creating it to fit my space.

It has been laying on my kitchen table since Sunday. The top has been glued and braced
back on. The entire thing has been cleaned.
Now, I just need help deciding on what color to paint it?
Anyone who has been to my house knows I love color....
they also know that I am not buying new paint for this project...
so the choices I have on hand are:
Apple green
China blue
White (blah)
Black (boring)
charcoal (maybe)