Last January we went to Florida for my birthday to visit friends that had moved there the year before. We all had a fantastic time. On the flight back home my son said something that would change our lives forever.
"Why do we have to go back?" he questioned. Me in my post vaca stuper mumbled something about our "REAL" lives and work and school. But his question stayed with me. And my Husband. Once we got home terms like "What Florida" were flying around our house.
So here is the big question...WHY CAN'T FLORIDA "BE" OUR REAL LIVES?
We were all thinking the same thing.... it was more than a dream that needed spoken.
A family meeting the week after we got home, our dreams became a spoken idea. It was unanimous, we wanted to move to Florida! Not just talk about it....actually doing it...moving to Florida?? It was fantastic and scary all at the same time! Plans were made and put into motion...
Pay off debt (or at least as much as possible) before the end of the year.
Purge all non-essential items that would not be making the move with us.
Tell friends and family our plan.
Put the house on the market.
Now we just wait for a bite on the house, Husband to finish up his Military duties and the Kid to finish 7th grade. It's going to be a long ass winter in Ohio, but if all goes well, it will be our last!
On a personal note, "Why move to Florida?, What if you get down there and don't like it?, Won't you miss your family?" - These questions have been thrown and my Husband and myself repeatedly. Here's the thing - We want to spend our birthdays and holidays on the beach! - We can always come back if it doesn't work out for whatever reason. - Of course we will miss our families & friends, but we have to do what is best for "our lil family"...And what kinda of role models would we be if we didn't show our son it was ok to act on a dream instead of spending your life wondering "What if I had".