Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Mobile home love vs small mindedness

Three years ago when we bought our home we got a Lot of looks. Those looks that come from people that are stuck in the media driven stereotypical frame of mind....that mobile homes are where people live when they can't afford a stick built home, for whatever reason. This really pisses me off!

Here's the thing, my husband and I "chose" a mobile home for our first house together. We have also chosen a mobile home for our next house in Florida. Here's why, in the years we have been able to pay cash for two homes, eliminate all debt that had accumulated in our pre-3namehouse lives, and live comfortably in the mean time. How many couples (in their 30s) in this country can say that?

So I leave you with this thought...

Stick built home with a thirty plus year mortgage, that you have to kill yourself in job you hate, to pay it off....

Or a stick built home that happens to be mobile that can afford you to work a less demanding job and spend more time living.

Friday, April 11, 2014

The awesome that comes after a hystorectomy....

I get to be an AUNTIE!
This angel here is a product of my lil sister and her man.
Isn't he fabulous! This is bean.
This lil girl is Miss E....the beautiful daughter of my youngest
brother and his lady.

Aren't they wonderful? Two weeks apart...I can't wait to watch them grow!
Welcome to the family lil ones!

Our living room is shrinking!

So, this is what I have been doing the past month. In my OCD, over pre-pared brain it makes since to bring everything to the living room as it is packed so it takes less time to walk it to the truck on moving day. The kid and I are finishing up on this end, while husband is hard at work with training for his new job and getting our new house in order in Florida.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Transplanting humans

Morning world!

Now that all of the parents and grandparents have been personally told, I can reveal our next big adventure! (as my mother calls it)

3namehouse is moving! Not the blog, but it's humans. We recently sold our Ohio home and are pulling up roots to and heading south!

January 2013 we had taken a family trip to Florida to see family friends. And while both my husband and I have been to Florida in the summer, neither of us had been there in the winter. Let me tell you! As a kid who always had a snow storm on her birthday...I was in heaven! It took me 37 years to have a pool party for my birthday, who wouldn't want that?! After lots of discussion on the flight home about "having to go back to normal life" in cold Ohio. It was mentioned by offspring "Why do we have to go back?" This question planted a seed in Husband's and my brain. Now, in my entire life I had never pictured myself moving from Ohio. I pictured traveling and visiting far off places, but move? Well, never say never.

After a year of planning and putting the house on the market. We are ready!

It's been a long road coming. I will write about this later. Lots of ups and downs, highs and lows...it is a work out for the emotions!

In six weeks I will be writing from the beach. I am SO looking forward to the changes and new opportunities that await our lil family.

Side note: Does anyone have any advice on moving across country with a herd of dogs?

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Full circles

As I sit here on this very snowy afternoon of my 38th birthday, I am watching my only child play on his Wii. Twelve years ago he blessed my life with the uncertainty of being a new mom. After years of trying, he had finally came to my life. After many losses and much heartache I finally had my boy.

People ask me why I have put myself thru such loss. Miscarriage, sucks. There is no other way to put it. After my fifth, I decided it was enough.  Until my divorce four years ago. After realizing that my ex was the one that couldn't physically have anymore children...not me. Maybe this was my chance at another blessing.
My current Husband has no children of his own. While he had stepped up dutifully as my son's Dad, we wanted to have one of our own. I'm six years his senior, at the time putting me in my mid thirties hoping time was still on my side.

I promised I would dedicate myself to giving this man a child until I turned 38. The past two years we have lost three babies. I have fought endometriosis. Had tumors removed. Done hormone replacement therepy. Dealt with my own feelings of failure as a wife and a woman. Oh, and the hormones had kicked of Fibromyalgia to boot! Fun times!

This past August I was told the endometriosis had returned. This time taking over my bladder, bowel, kidney and uterus. As I drove home from the doctors I was surprised by the light feeling I was experiencing. My body was fighting me. Mentally I was cooked. Overall I was relieved. I was ready for this rodeo to be done.

My biggest hurdle is still the fact I won't ever give my Husband his own child. But for me, life is much more precious. The light bulb went off! I have a son, that I am missing time with because of all the shit i'm putting my body thru to get pregnant. (insert the mental slap here) I'm ready to live my life, I want my body back and I don't want the emotional headache of wondering "am I" this month. No period for the rest of my life is a bonus!!

So, I booked a full abdominal hysterectomy for the first Friday of this year! I am three weeks post op and healing well.

From my couch I am enjoying my son and Husband as we make plans for our big move out of state this summer. Plans that include biking and kayaking and hiking and camping and all if the things I gave up the past two years.

My new motto "I'm uterus free and living life!"