Monday, June 6, 2016

Weekly Updates: What's going on around 3nh.

Bringing the old blog out of retirement. I'm telling myself I will commit to a weekly post here, we'll see how that goes.

Well, it's been an interesting first half of 2016 so far. Lots going on.

We are in the process of painting the exterior of the house. I had hoped to complete it before the summer heat hit us, but unfortunately that did not happen. Now we are in rainy season which makes it difficult, but not undo-able. The body of the house is complete. The main wall of the screened porch (exterior house wall) is done also. The shed has been painted also. Left to do - front awning, ceiling of the porch & carport, all the gutters and carport supports. ( will update as we go, final before and after photos to come)

Offspring is at his final day of freshman year. I can't believe just how grown up he is getting. I am so very proud of the man he is becoming. Dean's list all year. He is amazing!

Projects: currently working on recovering a recliner,  writing content for my new blog N2 Simply Veg, wrapping up misc. crafting that needs finished as well as odds and ends of random inside painting that i can do since it's SO freaking hot outside.

More on that over on the other other blog!

I hope life finds you well. Thank you for visiting!

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